White Crow / 乌鸦


她周身的羽毛成白色,两只眼睛红红的。一个人孤零零地走在海鸥堆中,不仔细看的话,你会以为她是海鸥。然而她毕竟不是海鸥,也正因为这样,没有海鸥愿意与她做朋友,即便有,也是很暂时,因为某些原因,那时海鸥找不到同类做朋友,临时拿她做个踏脚石。而她心里也很明白,但出于无奈,也只好如此,因为毕竟不是同类嘛。至于说黑乌鸦— 还是算了吧,乌漆抹黑的,恶心死了。她多么希望有另一只白乌鸦呀!这样就不会孤独了。她远远美过她的同类,但她的美丽并没给她带来幸福,这一点,她眼中的忧郁和她脸上的孤寂讲述得清清楚楚。

People always say all crows are equally black. We seldom hear of white crows. If you have a chance to go to Perth Australia, don’t miss out. I saw one there. Her whole body was covered by white feathers. Her eyes were red in color. She walked alone among the crowd of seagulls. If you didn’t pay attention, you would also think she’s one of them. But she’s not. Because of this, no seagulls were willing to be her friends. One seagull at that time could not find a suitable friend among his people. So, he simply made a temporary friendship with the white crow. The white crow was very clear about the seagull’s intentions. But she had no choice, what could she do? They were not the same kind. As for the black crows, well forget it. They were so dark. How she wished there could be another white one like her. If there was, then she wouldn’t be lonely any more. She’s far prettier that her kind. Unfortunately her beauty did not bring happiness to her. The melancholy in her eyes and loneliness on her face confirmed that.

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